Wish Lists


Place donations in marked boxes by the mailboxes in the church educational wing.

Ottawa Food Pantry wish list

January: bar soap

February: juices — boxes, bottles, cans (any variety)

March: boxed dinners (Hamburger Helper, etc.)

April: pizza mixes

May: peanut butter

June: jelly and jam

July: canned or boxed soups

August: spaghetti sauce

September: paper products (Kleenex, bathroom tissue)

October: cleaning supplies

November: personal care items (deoderant, shampoo, hand lotion)

December: laundry products

Samaritan House wish list​

January: canned soup and crackers

February: paper towels and toilet paper

March: canned vegetables

April: laundry soap

May: canned fruits

June: shampoo and bar soap

July: peanut butter, jams, and jellies

August: spaghetti or tomato sauce

September: canned meats

October: ketchup, salad dressings, and mustard

November: coffee, hot chocolate mix, and teas

December: pasta and noodles

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